Apply for pre-application advice

Cost of pre-application advice for householders

Planning advice for householders, including extensions or alterations to a house or outbuilding

Detailed written advice £210
Detailed written advice inclusive of a meeting (up to 1hr) £361

Heritage advice, including minor extensions or alterations to a house or outbuilding or non-commercial building (not inclusive of planning advice)

Detailed written advice inclusive of a meeting (up to 1hr) £303

Planning advice for householders in combination with Heritage advice, including extensions or alterations to a house or outbuilding or non-commercial building

Detailed written advice inclusive of a meeting (up to 1hr) £664

Fees effective from 1 April 2024.

Any request for service outside of the above parameters will be considered on a case-by-case basis.  Where advice is required to resolve a breach of planning control, we may charge an individual site specific fee to ensure we cover the costs of providing advice.

The cost of the time we take to provide advice is not covered by the statutory fee for making a planning application. The charge covers our costs for providing the advice and so it is not met by council tax payers generally.

The scale of fees is based on the size of the proposal and the level of detail that is sought.  We currently offer a reduced fee for parish and town councils, registered charities and development to assist those with disabilities.

If your proposal includes more than one category of development, the fee payable is the highest of those that apply, but they are not added together.

The fee includes VAT at 20 per cent and will not be refunded if you decide advice is no longer required even if we have not yet provided it.

Get pre-application planning advice

We strongly recommend you get advice from us before making a planning application. It will help you to avoid costly mistakes, save time and identify potential problems early on.

Apply for pre-application planning advice